How to Get Over the Uneasiness of a Professional Personal Branding Shoot
Not everyone loves having their photo taken, even in a relaxed setting with family or friends. Too many people believe they look awful or awkward in photos, so they generally prefer to be behind the camera. However, if you’re planning to grow your personal brand, professional photos are a must. This means you’re going to need to find a way to move past that uneasiness – these tips will help.
- – Get to know your photographer. If you are feeling nervous about being in front of a camera, spend a few minutes getting to know your photographer. This not only gives you the opportunity to tell them what you hope to achieve but it will help you feel more at ease on the day – they won’t be a stranger anymore.
- – Throw the idea of perfect out the window. We are so used to seeing professional photos on social media and in magazines that we’re convinced we need to look perfect in our own photos. This is a very unrealistic expectation. Your personal branding photos should reflect who you truly are, not portray a false version of who you think people want to see. Embrace your uniqueness and character.
- – Bring someone along with you. One of the best ways to smile naturally in personal branding photos is for someone to smile at you first. If you are feeling nervous, bring a friend along with you who can make you laugh and feel more at ease.
- – Shift your energy. Try and workout before your photoshoot. This will get your blood flowing and help you burn off any nervous energy. You could also put on some music or listen to a funny podcast to relax. If all else fails, take a fake-it-till-you-make-it approach. Nobody knows you are feeling nervous besides you. Strike a power pose, make eye contact with the camera, and own your brand.
Jamie Salima Love is a FingerLakes, NY and Boston MA based Headshot and Personal Branding Photographer extraordinaire. She has helped thousands of small businesses, brands, and entrepreneurs over her 20 yr career by creating updated photo libraries with stellar imagery. She is available for a multitude of services, whether you’re looking to work with her to simply update your Headshots, or to create an extensive Personal Branding Photography strategy and library with all the bells and whistles she’s got you covered.